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Research & Discovery: Biological Sciences at the University of Leeds 

The Faculty of Biological Sciences invites you and your students to join their Research and Discovery week. Students can attend taster lectures to learn more about our research and get a flavour of our teaching methods in this subject area.

Each session runs from 12:00-13:00 UK time (what time is that for me?) and will be followed by a Q&A with academics, alumni and our current international students.

Tuesday, 19 January: At the heart of your exercise limit
What stops you performing like an elite athlete? Attend this taster lecture by Dr Matthew Lancaster to find out.

Wednesday, 20 January: The buzz about bees
This taster lecture offered by Dr Elizabeth Duncan will explore how using honey bees can help to understand how the environment affects animals.

Thursday, 21 January: Insights into the Covid19 pandemic 
Professor Mark Harris will be delivering a taster lecture on the origin of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) and the cause of its rapid worldwide spread.

Please forward this message to students that maybe interested. Students can register here for the event or find out more about the event and courses offered here 

Kind Regards,
International Office
University of Leeds
Tasuku Azuma, BSc Biological Sciences

I am currently studying BSc Biological Sciences, which is designed for you to study lots of interesting topics, switch between them and find your interest at the Faculty of Biological Sciences. This degree helps prepare you for a specialised career at an early stage. This is actually quite useful for a person like me, as I wish to spend some time looking for a particular field to focus on, while cementing my foundational skills and knowledge.

Read more | Email Tasuku

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